I Was Involved in a Hit and Run. Do I Still Have a Case?
A hit-and-run accident occurs when a driver causes a traffic crash and then flees the accident scene without reporting to the police or providing any help to the victim. According to statistics from the Colorado State Patrol, about 2,700 hit-and-run crashes were investigated by the CSP in 2022. If you or someone you know was hurt in a hit-and-run accident, you may be entitled to pursue fair financial compensation.
With nearly 70 years of combined experience, we have the diligence and skill to help you hold those responsible for your injuries accountable. Our practiced Colorado personal injury attorneys can investigate all the facts of your case, explore your options to seek damages, and help you pursue the maximum possible compensation for your injuries and damages. We're proud to serve clients across Aurora, Denver, Centennial, Parker, and Castle Pines, Colorado.
Colorado Is a Fault Insurance State
Colorado is a fault state for auto accidents. According to the state's fault laws, the driver who caused the traffic accident will be held responsible for physical injuries, property damage, and other accident-related losses suffered by the victims.
Requirements When an Accident Occurs in Colorado
Furthermore, when an accident occurs in Colorado, the law requires the driver to report to the nearest police agency if the accident causes an injury, death of a person, or property damage. In addition, the driver must do the following:
provide their name, address, driver's license, and vehicle registration number to the other drivers involved; and,
offer reasonable assistance to accident victims who need medical help.
Any driver that leaves the accident scene without completing the necessary duties and filing a report may be charged with hit and run. A seasoned lawyer can explore your options to recover damages after a hit-and-run accident and help decide how to proceed with your injury claims.
Your Options for Filing a Claim After a Hit and Run
To seek financial compensation for your hit-and-run accident injuries, it is important to know two things:
Because it is an at-fault state, you can get coverage if you have uninsured motorist (UM) coverage.
If not, you cannot get financial compensation, unless you know who hit you and have proof of it (for example, if there was footage of the accident).
A highly skilled Colorado car accident attorney can fully explain what to do if the at-fault driver is uninsured or underinsured, enlighten you about the next steps to take after the incident, and guide you through the claims process.
Uninsured Motorist Protection
Generally, there are not many options for filing an injury claim against a driver that you cannot find. However, if you have Uninsured Motorist (UM) protection under your own car policy, you do have options.
Additionally, the UM coverage can help pay for your medical costs, vehicle damages, pain and suffering, and other accident-related losses after a hit-and-run accident where you're unable to identify the at-fault driver. Hence, you can proceed by filing a claim with your own UM coverage after the hit-and-run accident in order to pursue financial compensation for your injuries. Importantly, it is against Colorado law for your insurance company to raise your insurance premiums for simply using this protection that you already pay to have on your policy.
Steps to Take if You Were in a Hit and Run
If you were involved in a hit-and-run accident, you should take the following steps where possible:
Stay calm and get to safety. Do not go after the driver running away from the accident scene.
Note important details about the vehicle, such as the license plate number, color, manufacturer, model, and other unique identifying details.
Take mental notes of certain details about the driver, such as the driver's outfit, gender, estimated age, eyeglasses, facial hair, appearance, and other crash details.
Call 911 to seek prompt medical attention for your injuries.
Get the contact information of witnesses and other individuals at the accident scene who captured the incident.
Gather relevant evidence at the accident scene, including video footage and pictures, and from surveillance cameras at nearby parking lots, traffic cameras, or businesses.
Document pictures of your injuries and your personal account of how the incident happened.
Report the accident to the nearest police agency.
Notify your insurance provider about the hit-and-run accident.
Retain an experienced attorney to help file your insurance claims and negotiate a fair settlement with the insurer.
However, you need to act fast to avoid forgetting crucial details and preserve evidence. A reliable personal injury lawyer can advocate for your best interests, guide you through the necessary legal steps, and help recover your rightful financial compensation.
Turn to Reliable Legal Assistance
Being hurt in a hit-and-run crash can be overwhelming and can affect your physical, financial, and emotional health. Nevertheless, you're not alone. At Gama Law Firm, we're committed to offering vigorous representation and skilled legal guidance to clients in their injury claims. Our trusted lawyers can guide you through the complicated claims process and attempt to recover the maximum possible compensation for your injuries, damages, or losses.
Contact us today at Gama Law Firm LLC today to schedule a FREE case assessment with practiced auto accident lawyers. Our reliable legal team can represent you diligently in your hit-and-run accident case and help you seek the financial justice you deserve. We're proud to serve clients throughout Aurora, Denver, Centennial, Parker, and Castle Pines, Colorado.