Do You Have a Colorado Personal Injury Case?
Were you recently in an auto or motorcycle accident? Or did you perhaps suffer some other personal injury? If so, you are probably coping with the injury while feeling overwhelming stress as you contact all the necessary insurance companies and juggle your mounting medical bills.
If your case is like so many others, you’re probably also having to deal with the at-fault party proclaiming their innocence and saying they’re not to blame. In addition, perhaps there was property damage and you are unsure what your next step should be from a legal standpoint.
Colorado Personal Injury Law
Each state has its own specific rules and procedures when it comes to filing a personal injury claim, but the concept of personal injury law is the same throughout the U.S. Namely, if you were hurt because of another’s person’s actions, you can file a personal injury claim against them. Doing so is the legal equivalent of saying, “You caused my injuries. Kindly pay for the damages.”
As a Colorado law office, these are among the most common types of personal injury cases we see at Gama Law Firm:
Car, truck, and motorcycle accidents
Uninsured or underinsured motorist claims
Insurance coverage disputes
Slip and falls
Industrial accidents
Construction accidents
Traumatic brain injuries
Spinal cord injuries
Animal bites
Medical malpractice
Prescription drug errors
Defective or dangerous products
Wrongful death
These are, of course, just a few of the many types of personal injury claims out there. As long as your injury was caused by another person’s careless or reckless behavior, we are here to offer legal guidance through your personal injury case.
Injuries that Are Not Personal Injury Cases
If you slip and fall on your own property and get injured as a result, the state of Colorado will not view the accident as anyone’s fault but your own. In circumstances such as these, you would not be able to file a personal injury claim.
Other scenarios that are commonly confused with legitimate personal injury claims are those involving your employer. Although there are circumstances in which you can file a claim against your employer, these are classified as workers’ compensation claims as opposed to personal injury claims. In these cases, it’s important that your employer is either at fault for your injuries or that the incident occurred on company property. Otherwise, you are unlikely to be eligible for compensation.
Time Limits for Colorado Personal Injury Claims
Under Colorado state law, you have two years to file your personal injury claim if you sustained an injury. Please understand the importance of this timeframe: If you do not file your claim prior to the two-year deadline, then you forfeit your chance to claim financial compensation.
“What if I have delayed symptoms?” you may ask. This is a very common occurrence — one that Colorado law takes into consideration. Because accident victims do not always show signs of injury until days, weeks, or even months following an accident, the two-year countdown (or “statute of limitations,” as it is referred to in legal terms) can be counted from the date you discovered your injuries, as opposed to the date of the accident itself.
To ensure your claim is filed correctly and in accordance with state deadlines and regulations, we encourage you to reach out to our legal team as soon as possible.
Contact Gama Law Firm for Guidance Through the Personal Injury Claims Process
A personal injury claim can help you recoup your medical costs, property damage, lost wages, and more. At Gama Law Firm, we bring experience, knowledge, and caring to every case that we take on. Rest assured, we will go the extra mile for you and your family. Our skilled legal team serves the Denver and Aurora areas of Colorado, including neighboring Castle Pines, Parker, and Centennial.