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Motorcycle crash scene on an open road

Average Settlement for a Motorcycle Accident

Riding a motorcycle can bring a great feeling of freedom, but let’s face it – a motorcycle is hardly a match for a vehicle weighing 3,000 pounds or more if the two collide. From the motorist’s perspective, it is often difficult to see a motorcycle approaching your vehicle because it may get caught in a blind spot.

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Healthcare Cost Concept with Medical Bill

Who Pays My Medical Bills After an Accident?

If you set out on a fine morning to go shopping, travel to work, or venture out to visit friends or family, and you are involved in a car accident because of someone else’s negligence, you have every right to file a claim against that person’s auto insurance or even file a personal injury lawsuit.

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Man that Is Texting While Driving Runs into a Pedestrian in crosswalk

I Was Involved in a Hit and Run. Do I Still Have a Case?

A hit-and-run accident occurs when a driver causes a traffic crash and then flees the accident scene without reporting to the police or providing any help to the victim. According to statistics from the Colorado State Patrol, about 2,700 hit-and-run crashes were investigated by the CSP in 2022.

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Aftermath of a rear-end car accident

Next Steps After an Accident

No one expects traffic accidents and resulting injuries to happen to them — until they do. According to National Safety Council estimates, there were 13.2 million documented traffic accidents in the United States in 2021, resulting in 3.7 million medically consulted injuries.

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Statute of Limitations on Torned Paper

Statute of Limitations on Colorado Personal Injury Claims

Personal injury claims arise from such incidents as car accidents, slip or trip and falls, dog bites, bike and pedestrian accidents, medical malpractice, and injuries caused by defective products.

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Law book, Stethoscope and Gavel, Medical Jurisprudence

The Dos and Don’ts of Pursuing Medical Malpractice Claims

Medical malpractice claims are among the most difficult cases for plaintiffs to prove. In Colorado, more than $33.7 million was paid out in claims in 2022. Although this sounds like a substantial sum of money, more defendants prevail at trial than plaintiffs who file cases against them.

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Stethoscope Over Malpractice Wooden Block

Three Common Causes for Medical Malpractice Claims

When you receive treatment from medical professionals, you put your full faith in them. You believe that once you have undergone a procedure or treatment, you will be better than you were before. However, sometimes, someone is negligent in their care. They do or don’t do certain things that would ensure your safety. In those cases, you must turn to the law for help.

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Construction worker hurt his knee after accident

Filing a Third-Party Claim After a Work Injury

After suffering an injury in the workplace, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits from your employer. But, did you know that if another party caused or contributed to your injury, you may be able to file a third-party claim and receive additional compensation for your losses?

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Text Personal Injury Claims Typed on Retro Typewriter

How Might Pre-Existing Medical Conditions Affect My Personal Injury Claim?

It is fair that pre-existing medical conditions are taken into consideration in personal injury claims, but they should not close the door on compensation for new injuries.

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Young woman fallen on slippery icy pavement outdoors

Who Is At Fault When I Slip and Fall on the Ice?

Slipping and falling can happen to anyone, especially in the winter months when ice becomes a dominant safety hazard. Injuries from stumbling on icy pavement can range from minor bruises to severe fractures. According to the National Floor Safety Institute, falls account for 87% of all fractures among individuals ages 65 and older, and they’re the second leading cause of spinal cord injuries and brain injury symptoms.

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